7 advantages of cleaning your gutters

7 advantages of cleaning your gutters

July 1, 2020

Keeping your gutters clean isn’t the most fun project but it’s still important. Dirt and debris can build up inside gutters over time and cause serious problems. In this post,…

6 benefits of clean windows

6 benefits of clean windows

April 1, 2020

It’s sad that some people don’t clean their windows. It’s all too common to see dirty or grimy windows, even on office buildings and commercial buildings. This is a shame…

How to clean a restaurant kitchen

How to clean a restaurant kitchen

February 1, 2020

Keeping a restaurant kitchen clean isn’t easy. Commercial kitchens are in high use every day, which can quickly make them dirty and unsanitary. Spills, stains, grease, grime and crumbs are…

5 benefits of clean carpets

5 benefits of clean carpets

January 1, 2020

Carpets are rarely appreciated. They’re trodden on every day, sometimes by thousands of people. It’s no wonder they get dirty so quickly. But did you know that there are heaps…


For how long do germs live outside the body?

November 6, 2019

Here’s a question we received recently: “How long do germs stay contagious once they’re outside the body?” It’s an interesting question and today we’re going to try to answer it.…